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Troubleshooting Cat Behavioral Problems

Feline Engineering

by Jessica Char, Cat Behavior Expert, Feline Engineering.

What happens when you’ve reached the bottom of Google’s search results and your cat is still peeing everywhere but in her litter box? Or your cats are still feuding? Where do you go from there? 

Cats all over the country (and world) are losing their homes and lives because of issues that require more than advice from an online article. The important thing to remember is that, even if you searched online and tried every tip, more than likely, there is still hope. Below I’ve described just a few of the common mistakes that people make when trying to solve behavior issues on their own. And then I’ll tell you about some people who are out there and ready to help you, even if you’ve already tried “everything.”

Mistake: Skipping the Vet

If you are dealing with any sudden behavior change, especially around the litter box, your first step should be to schedule a visit from your local mobile vet. Cats are very good at hiding signs of illness, and behavior change is very often the first sign. Even if the behavior change hasn’t been quick, a vet should rule out underlying concerns.

Mistake: Not Meeting Natural Needs

Feeling engineeringAre you trying to stop a behavior that your cat MUST do? Scratching is an example where we often work very hard to stop it where we don’t want it but fail to provide an appropriate place where the cat is allowed to do it. Make sure you are meeting all of your cat’s needs, including a scratching area, a suitable litter box, interactive play, raised resting spots, and social interaction. If you’re not providing a way for your cat to meet his needs, he will continue doing the “wrong” thing.

Mistake: Going Too Fast

Don’t try to move through your plan too quickly. Each step should be completed fully, with the cats relaxed and confident. Conflict between cats and fear are two issues that are commonly rushed. It can take months or more to help a fearful cat feel safe, or to get two cats comfortable sharing a space.

A good rule of thumb is to look for signs of relaxation or enjoyment, and/or active socializing, from your cat(s) before moving to the next step. This means that even if your cat is tolerating something (like petting on the head), she may not be ready for the next step yet (such as full-body petting or being picked up). Keep working until they show signs that they actually enjoy the experience. You’ll ultimately save time by going slower and avoiding negative reactions.

Mistake: Not Giving It Enough Time or Expecting Magic

Few behaviors change quickly; you can do everything right and see only small effects. This is especially true with fear. While there may be other steps you can take to speed up the process, don’t panic if your cat’s behavior isn’t magically transformed. Stay the course. Some tools, such as pheromone products (like Feliway) or calming treats, could be valuable, but they aren’t likely to solve problems instantly or by themselves, regardless of the Internet’s claims.

Of course, time doesn’t necessarily heal all. Don’t keep pushing forward blindly. If the problem is staying the same or getting worse, you need to rethink your plan or get more help. Keeping a journal of your cat’s behavior can help you track what’s really happening.

Mistake: Relying on Punishment

Most of the ways we attempt to punish bad behavior aren’t very effective and can also lead to some unfortunate consequences. Spray bottles, shake cans, yelling, flicking, and other punishments that come directly from a person can lead to fear, aggression, and even health issues.

Feline EngineeringOn top of that, owners generally don’t find that a punishment is effective long-term because they are inconsistent and/or are trying to punish a cat for something that the cat naturally must do and doesn’t have an outlet for. Cats can quickly learn that they should do the behavior only when you aren’t in the room to punish them!

Deterrents that make a behavior unpleasant for the cat can help with solving some problems (like using sticky tape to prevent scratching on furniture) but only when combined with other changes like rewarding desirable behavior and providing appropriate outlets for natural behaviors.

Mistake: Assuming You’re Done

Behavior is always changing. You can’t “cure” a behavior and then be immune to it forever after. All behavior is driven by fulfilling needs, seeking desirable consequences, and avoiding negative consequences. If your cat’s world changes in some way, he may go back to the problem behavior unless you are paying attention, being proactive, and meeting his needs.

Finding More Help

Changing a cat’s behavior can be complicated, even for experienced owners. This isn’t even close to a complete list of the ways that behavior modification can go wrong. Please don’t assume that you’re out of options after you’ve tried everything the Internet (including this article!) has suggested.

Your vet is one source of information. However, not all vets are specialists in behavior, and some actually have very little training or knowledge in that area. Another option is a veterinary behaviorist–a veterinarian with special training and education in behavior issues. Unfortunately, since this is a newer field, there are not many veterinary behaviorists yet, and they are generally quite expensive.

If your cat came from a rescue or shelter, you might try contacting them for advice. Some large organizations have staff and volunteers available specifically to help you. The downside is that they may not have specialized knowledge about changing behavior, and they may have limited time to help.

Finally, many people aren’t aware that there are cat behavior consultants in the world. Just like good dog behavior consultants or trainers, cat consultants are educated on the behavior problems that plague cat owners. You seek professional help in many areas of your life–why not get help when your happiness, your home, and your cat’s life are in the balance?

About the Author:

Jessica Char photoJessica Char is an experienced cat behavior consultant. She started her career supporting owners and adopters at a large private animal shelter in California. In order to help more cat owners, Jessica launched her business, Feline Engineering (, to provide personalized, one-on-one support for cat owners dealing with behavior problems. She offers consults nationwide.

Petworks Petcare

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Fear of Car Rides in Dogs and How You Can Help

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Many puppies and dogs are afraid of car rides. Often this resolves by itself by taking the puppy to fun places in the car. But sometimes a more linear approach to treating car phobias is needed because the fear doesn’t go away or even gets worse over time.

Fun fact:  If your puppy’s breeder took the time to desensitize the litter to the car and take them to a few places or just had them experience some fun car rides before they were 6 weeks old, car phobias are much less likely to happen.

But here you are now with your scared puppy that doesn’t want anything to do with car rides.

If your puppy is already scrambling to get away from the car, change his emotions by playing near the car in a safe place of course. Games that work well are chasing treats around the car, doing hand targets (touch) around the car, playing tug of war, chasing you, or chasing a flirt pole.

It depends on your dog how often you will have to do this to change his emotion from being afraid of going towards the car to being happily excited. You are looking for happy butt wiggles before proceeding to the next step. This can take a few days or even weeks, it all depends on your dog. Changing emotions is not a race, slow and steady!

Your pup is now happily approaching the car, the next step is to open a car door, play, chase, eat treats, and all that fun stuff now happens once the car door is open. Again, look for happy butt wiggles to make sure you are on your way to changing your dog’s fear response.

What’s next?

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Playing, eating, and training in the car. You can start with two paws up on the car frame, or nose touching close to the car. Feeding meals in the car, playing tug of war, etc.  Jumping up in the car or using a ramp or stool to hop in the car for treats or toys.

Your pup should be happily getting in the car now. So, you can feed meals in the car, possibly with the engine turned on but not driving yet.

Before you start driving, your pup should be taught to lay calmly in the car in his safe and designated area, this can be a crate, attached to a seat belt or a doggy car seat.

Perfect your puppy can lay in the car in his spot for at least 5 to 10 minutes? Now it’s time to start driving, but you will only drive a few feet in your driveway. Back and forth, no longer than your pup can be calm. Increase the time of you driving slowly until you can drive to a close by park or another fun thing to do for your pup.

Yes, this seems like a long endeavor, but it will be worth it because you will be able to take your dog anywhere soon.

Extra challenges?

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Your dog gets sick in the car? There are a few things you can try. Medication for motion sickness from your vet, covering the crate,  training your dog to wear a thunder cap in the car can help decrease anxiety and motion sickness, anxiety medication from your vet in case you have to take your dog on a car ride that he is not ready for.

About the Author

Andrea Marx photoMy specialty is problem behaviors like aggression, anxiety, and shyness. For the last ten years, I have educated myself on treating behavior problems safely and kindly. Lasting behavior change takes time, patience, and working together as a team.

If you need treatment plans for behavior issues like separation anxiety, aggressive behaviors, or any other behavior modification and are committed to your dog’s well being please make an appointment with me.

Click here to book a session with Andrea.