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DIY Dog Massage Therapy

dog massage therapy

Information about the many benefits of small animal massage and acupressure is plentiful and easy to find online. What I’d like to do here is take that information one step further and add an educational element. I’m going to provide some safe massage and acupressure techniques that you can try, starting today, on your own dog (or cat). The techniques covered here can help address some of the most common complaints among pet parents: anxiety, digestive issues, mobility issues, and pain.


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Cushing Syndrome Dog Back Legs

a dog being massaged

Understanding Cushing’s Syndrome and Its Impact on Canine Hind Legs.

Cushing’s syndrome, also known as hyperadrenocorticism, is a common endocrine disorder affecting dogs, characterized by an overproduction of cortisol hormone. While its effects on various bodily functions are well-documented, its impact on canine hind legs is an aspect that deserves attention. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Cushing’s syndrome, explore how it affects a dog’s hind legs, and discuss management strategies for pet owners. (more…)

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Canine Massage Near Me

canine massage near me

Unleashing the Benefits of Canine Massage Therapy: Enhancing Your Dog’s Well-Being. Canine massage therapy, often overlooked as an essential pet care wellness service, has emerged as a potent tool in enhancing the quality of life for our beloved four-legged friends. Beyond mere pampering, this therapeutic practice offers a ton of benefits that contribute to their physical, emotional, and behavioral wellness. In this comprehensive guide, I explore the health wellness advantages of canine massage therapy, and offer insights on locating a skilled therapist near you. (more…)

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Reiki Healing & Pets

Reiki for Cats

by Shawna Ricci B.A., CCMT, CFTBS, ABCDT.

Animal Reiki Care. Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. It can be offered to humans or animals of any age and is a safe, gentle method of healing. It involves the transfer of “Universal” or Source energy from practitioner to client. This can be done hands-on, from a short distance, or by proxy across a large distance. The premise is that when flooded with this universal energy, the body is able to heal and balance itself as it was meant to. So the person offering the Reiki is not actually healing the client; he/she is facilitating the transfer of energy that helps the client to heal him or herself. (more…)

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Pet Wellness Beyond Veterinary Care

There has been a growing trend among pet parents towards holistic care and new pet care wellness services for their beloved dogs and cats. While traditional veterinary care remains essential for maintaining pet health, many pet parents are recognizing the benefits of incorporating additional practices into their pets’ wellness routines. Let us explore why pet parents should seek additional wellness and pet health care in addition to regular veterinary checkups, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to pet health and wellbeing. (more…)