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Cushing Syndrome Dog Back Legs

a dog being massaged

Understanding Cushing’s Syndrome and Its Impact on Canine Hind Legs.

Cushing’s syndrome, also known as hyperadrenocorticism, is a common endocrine disorder affecting dogs, characterized by an overproduction of cortisol hormone. While its effects on various bodily functions are well-documented, its impact on canine hind legs is an aspect that deserves attention. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Cushing’s syndrome, explore how it affects a dog’s hind legs, and discuss management strategies for pet owners. (more…)

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6 Ways to Take Care of Your Horse During the Heat of Summer

horse drinking water from a hose

by Sandra Burnett, RN & Independent BEMER Distributor.

No matter where in the United States you live, summer days can sometimes be excruciatingly hot. And while fun in the sun is great for humans, it can be deadly for horses if you aren’t vigilant about their welfare. Your horse’s skin contains sweat glands that help keep him cool. As the horse heats up, capillaries in the skin dilate to expel the heat generated by the muscles. When the capillaries can no longer keep up, the horse starts to sweat, which helps to release the heat. (more…)

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Mobility Tips for Senior Pets

mobility for senior pets

by Dr. Dani McVety, Founder and CEO of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice.

Mobility issues are the most common of all problems reported to us by dog owners. At least 50% of our patients struggle with some level of mobility difficulty. By a wide margin, the number-one reported ailment from pet owners in my line of work, which is veterinary hospice care, is that their pet is having difficulty with mobility. These issues range from struggling to stand, splaying while at their food bowl, or, in some cases, the complete inability to walk. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of mobility issues in geriatric pets, but soft tissue injuries, disc disorders, stenosis, and neuropathy also could be the root of the issue. (more…)

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Learning from Animal Rehabilitation Pros

Is your pet struggling to walk comfortably? Does she have issues getting in or out of the car on her own? Is she recovering from surgery? She may benefit from rehabilitation therapy.


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Tips for Helping Your Specially Abled Pet Live a Fulfilling Life

specially abled pet

by Dr. Jeni Goedken, Hospice Veterinarian and owner of Fond Farewell.

Pets with special needs hold a cherished place in our hearts. These dogs and cats face daily challenges with an inspiring amount of determination and resilience. Whether your pet’s mobility or sensory loss was sudden or progressed over time, when you provide them physical and emotional support, you can ensure they enjoy a rich and fulfilling life—without limits. Help your specially-abled pet live their best life with these tips. (more…)