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Stay Vigilant – Protect your Pet from Summer Pests!

cat scratching ear

by Cyndie Anderson, owner of Pooch Pros Pet Care Services.

Summer means hotter temps, longer days and of course BUGS! Yes, lots of them. Even though we’re still in spring, it’s crucial that you begin thinking about protecting your pets from pesky seasonal pests (try saying that five times fast!). There are several different kinds to be concerned with but luckily – various ways to protect your dog or cat from the risks! (more…)

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Keeping Pets Safe From Ticks Year-Round

forecast map lyme disease 2018

Ticks: the word alone is enough to make any pet owner shudder. These tiny, blood-sucking parasites transfer nasty illnesses like the notorious Lyme Disease: a dangerous infection that can cause everything from muscular to neurological problems in animals and humans. (more…)