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Time to Paws and Reflect: How Daylight Saving Time Affects Your Pets

Daylight Saving Time affects the circadian rhythms of your pets.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a biannual occurrence that can significantly impact not only our daily routines, but also the well-being of our beloved pets. This practice can disrupt the schedules and natural circadian rhythms of pets, creating stress and confusion, which highlights the importance of maintaining their health and nutrition. Daylight Saving Time 2023 Pet Care

One immediate effect of DST is the shift in feeding schedules of pets…

And this can be an opportunity for pet care service providers to step in. As pet owners adjust to the new time, pet care nutrition professionals who offer guidance on adapting pets’ feeding routines – can be invaluable. Providing advice on nutrition and meal timings to ensure pets receive the right nutrients at the right times can help mitigate the disruptions caused by DST. Consider hiring a certified clinical pet nutritionist to help you.

Daylight Saving Time can also affect exercise routines of your pets…

This makes pet sitting services a crucial resource. With shorter daylight hours, pet owners may struggle to maintain their pets’ exercise regimen. Pet sitters can play a pivotal role in ensuring that dogs and other animals receive their necessary daily walks or playtime, keeping them physically and mentally healthy during the adjustment period.

The shift in daylight hours can also impact the overall well-being of pets…

And natural sunlight exposure affects your beloved’s mental and physical health. Providing guidance on creating environments that maximize sunlight exposure in the home can be an added service, helping pet owners and their pets adapt more smoothly to the time change.

Pawsing for daylight: supporting pets through the clock shift

While Daylight Saving Time can bring challenges for both pet owners and their furry friends, it also presents an opportunity for pet care services to offer valuable support. By focusing on pet nutrition, exercise, and sunlight exposure during the DST transition, these services can play a vital role in maintaining the health and happiness of pets, ensuring they continue to thrive despite the time change.

About the Author

Petworks Co-Founder Kevin Kinyon is a life-long animal lover who works tirelessly to improve the lives of pets and their parents. Human and animal qualities he values most are integrity, humor, and empathy.