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Chiro For Dogs

Similar to humans, dogs can encounter health issues that impact their ability to move and their overall well-being. In addition to conventional medical treatments, your vet might recommend a holistic approach for your dog’s care. Complementary and alternative medicine encompasses various therapies like acupuncture, chiropractic care, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, massage, and herbal remedies. Chiropractic care, as described by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA), involves manipulating the spine, extremities, or skull to address illnesses. If your dog suffers from degenerative joint disease or faces a disabling condition, you might consider whether animal chiropractic care could benefit them. However, it’s essential to consult with your vet before seeking out a canine chiropractor. Chiro For Dogs.

What’s the Mechanism Behind Chiropractic Care for Dogs?

According to Dr. Amy Attas, VMD, from City Pets, a New York-based practice, chiropractic treatment is technically applicable to any vertebrate, including dogs, rabbits, horses, and cows. Dr. Jessica Paige, a certified animal chiropractor and member of the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA), elucidates that chiropractors concentrate on the mobility of the spine and extremity joints, correlating these movements with a dog’s overall well-being, thereby bridging the connection between them. When these movements are constrained, dogs may suffer from repetitive stress injuries and sprains. Dr. Paige further explains that most restrictions in joint mobility are subclinical, meaning they may not be detected by routine medical tests. Consequently, many underlying issues remain unnoticed until they escalate into problems. According to Dr. Attas, chiropractic care can alleviate the pain and discomfort stemming from these underlying issues. “Once the compression is relieved, the patient experiences immediate relief.”

When is Chiropractic Care Used for Dogs?

Chiropractic therapy complements conventional veterinary care for addressing joint, skeletal, and spinal issues. These include conditions such as hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), chronic neck or back pain, intervertebral disc disease, and central nervous system disorders. Additionally, chiropractic care can serve as a preventative measure for dogs predisposed to joint or spinal ailments, as well as those prone to arthritis. Dr. Attas highlights that chiropractic care can assist in “maintaining proper posture and limb alignment to prevent future issues.” For instance, findings from a 2021 study suggest that chiropractic treatment may reduce the risk of Boxers developing spondylosis, a degenerative spinal condition.

Is Canine Chiropractic Right for My Dog?

Before considering canine chiropractic care, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to determine if it’s suitable for your dog’s needs. Your vet might recommend chiropractic treatment if your dog exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Limping, weakness, or lameness in the front legs
  • Hip or hind leg pain without signs of arthritis
  • Difficulty standing or lying down
  • Vocalization, such as yelping or biting, when pressure is applied to the chest area
  • Hunched back
  • Yelping in response to sudden movements without other symptoms
  • Muscle spasms along the back
  • Inability to jump
  • Reluctance to perform routine tasks

Additionally, chiropractic care can benefit dogs dealing with various issues, including:

  • Recovery after a fall, injury, or surgery
  • Enhancing gait and mobility for senior dogs
  • Jaw problems or chewing difficulties
  • Assisting with getting in and out of vehicles
  • Addressing bowel or bladder issues
  • Treating injuries from dog sports
  • Managing behavioral problems potentially linked to underlying medical conditions
  • Facilitating the birthing process for pregnant dogs

Finding a Qualified Chiropractor and Understanding Chiropractic Safety for Dogs

To locate certified practitioners in your vicinity, you can conduct a search. During the initial appointment, the chiropractor will review your dog’s medical history, perform a neurological examination, and assess your pet’s gait and mobility. Typically, multiple sessions are required for treatment, and the cost may vary depending on the chiropractor’s expertise.

Why Chiropractic Isn’t Recommended for Puppies

While chiropractic can be beneficial for many dogs, it’s not suitable for puppies. Dr. Attas explains that puppies lack fully developed musculoskeletal systems, making them unsuitable candidates for chiropractic manipulation. “There’s a risk of injury if adjustments are performed on such young animals,” she cautions.

Promoting Puppy Health

To ensure optimal health for your puppy, consult with your veterinarian and breeder regarding appropriate exercise levels. Alongside exercise, providing a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and discouraging jumping on and off furniture (which can strain developing muscles) are essential.

Are Dog Chiropractors Safe?

While chiro for dogs can be a safe and effective treatment option for various conditions, Dr. Attas stresses the importance of proper training and certification for practitioners. Manipulating the spine or musculoskeletal system requires skill and caution, as incorrect procedures or excessive force can lead to pain or irreversible damage.

Regulations Vary by State

Regulations regarding animal chiropractic vary by state. Some states mandate referral requirements, while others allow chiropractors to treat animals independently. For instance, Dr. Paige notes that California requires animal chiropractors to work under direct veterinary supervision. Most chiropractors and veterinarians advocate for collaborative care, with both parties encouraging parents to seek primary veterinary care. Always consult your vet before pursuing chiropractic treatment for your dog.

The Scope of Veterinary Medicine and Certification Requirements for Dog Chiropractors

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Model Veterinary Practice Act (MVPA) recognizes the practice of veterinary medicine to include “complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies.” These encompass a range of preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches not typically part of conventional veterinary medicine. Among these methods is “veterinary manual or manipulative therapy,” which draws techniques from osteopathy or chiropractic. The AVMA emphasizes the importance of obtaining consent and documenting it in the medical record before initiating any treatment, including those falling under this category.

Certification for Dog Chiropractors

When seeking treatment from a dog chiropractor, it’s crucial to ensure they are licensed professionals. Practitioners offering animal chiropractic services must obtain certification as an animal or veterinary chiropractor. Those certified as human chiropractors can pursue additional training from an accredited school on animal adjustment techniques and then apply for certification from organizations such as the AVCA or IVCA. Veterinary chiropractors, who are licensed veterinarians, can also attain certification in chiropractic medicine from the AVCA or IVCA. “Both AVCA and IVCA require passing a written and practical exam for association membership,” notes Dr. Paige. Certified practitioners must renew their certifications every three years.

Flexibility in Practice

Since chiropractic treatment doesn’t necessitate specialized equipment, dog chiropractors can offer house calls. “I often provide at-home exercises or stretches for parents to perform with their canine companions to aid in faster improvement,” adds Dr. Paige.

Key Factors for Successful Treatment

The effectiveness of treatment depends on various factors, including the chiropractor’s expertise, the severity of the condition, and the duration of the ailment. Proper training and certification are essential for canine chiropractors to administer treatment safely and efficiently.

Communication with Your Veterinarian If your dog undergoes chiropractic treatment, it’s vital to keep both the chiropractor and your veterinarian informed about the treatments your pet receives. This helps prevent complications arising from the combination of medications or therapies.

About the Author

Petworks Pet Care Services
Petworks Co-Founder Kevin Kinyon is a life-long animal lover who works tirelessly to improve the lives of pets and their parents. Human and animal qualities he values most are integrity, humor, and empathy.