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What to do if your dog is aggressive

aggressive dog

by Andrea Marx CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC, FDM. Dogs communicate with us and other dogs all the time. Unfortunately, if you aren’t trained to see behaviors that precede barking, lunging and biting, it can look to you like your dog just randomly acts aggressive. It’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian when your dog …

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Best Practices For Behavior Training Dogs

dog training photo

by Vivian Zottola, MSc, Human Dog Relationship Therapist, & founder of BostonK9Concierge LLC. When teaching any non verbal individual, whether a human child or non human animal (pet dog), there really is no place or need to use force or pain. Kind training is supported by the veterinary community in peer reviewed scientific literature, American …

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In Home Dog Sitters

in home dog sitters

As pet parents, we strive to provide the best care for our furry companions. However, there are times when our schedules or travel plans make it challenging to be there for our dogs. This is where in home dog sitters come in. An in home dog sitter offers many benefits for both you and your …

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Dog Art

dog art

For many dog parents, their furry friends are more than just pets – they’re family. Capturing the essence of your dog in a portrait can be a beautiful way to celebrate their presence in your life. However, finding the right artist and ensuring the process goes smoothly requires some thoughtful steps. My guide below will …

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The Kinship Between Cats and Dogs


Cats and dogs, arguably the most popular pets worldwide, have warmed humankind with their unique qualities for centuries. Despite their different evolutionary backgrounds, their coexistence in many households demonstrates their adaptability and social nature. The relationship between cats and dogs has always been a focal point of people’s interest. Let’s explore the Kinship Between Cats …